AHP Realty LLC

AHP Realty LLC


Rental Application Process


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Application Requirements

1. Complete entire application; be sure to provide complete names, former addresses, prior landlord information, telephone numbers must have area codes, and at least 1 emergency contact.
2. Return completed application to our office Monday-Friday between the hours of 9:00am-5:00pm along with the following:

  • 1 full months' pay stubs or current proof of income, (SSI, Disability, Las years' income tax, award letters or bank statements will also be accepted)
  • A State issued ID/Drivers Lic. or Military ID card for adults over 18.
  • A NON REFUNDABLE $75 application fee 1st applicant / $25 each additional applicant. ONLINE APPLICATIONS ARE $100 FEE and COVERS 1-2 Applicants.
  • If you have your own agent please provide us with their information.
  • Applicants must be minimum 18 years of age and over, with no criminal record, or eviction history in the past 5 years, stable employment for past 2 years.

All Applications taken in on a property will be processed, screened and presented before the owner of the property. The owner will then review the application and make the final selection. Review usually takes between 3-5 Business days. If your application is not accepted or is denied by the landlord, you will not receive a refund.

Rental Requirements:

1. To qualify for a rental property, applicants must be able to prove their NET monthly income (take home), a usual recommendation of 3 times what the rent is worth is required, must have a minimum of 2 years good employment and rental history, a credit check will be conducted to verify financial history, payments and or debts; applicants with bad credit score are subject to an increase in deposit, and or may be disqualified from leasing the property. Applicants MUST pass minimum credit score of 600 FICO or above in order to be considered.
2. Applicants are to conduct physical inspection of the property prior to submitting the application! AS PROPERTIES ARE LEASED OUT AS-IS, if you observe any major damage, please advise your agent about it prior to leasing any home. the items listed are to be brought to the attention of the landlord and request for repairs will be made.
3. *** PETS are subject to Landlord approval and you must submit a PET REQUEST FORM along with application. If applicants have an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) please provide an ESA letter from your physician.

Fee's, Deposits & Required Funds:

1. All initial move-in dues are only accepted in CASHIERS CHECK OR MONEY ORDER.
2. Application Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
3. A Mandatory $250-$350 cleaning fee, unless waived/reduced by landlord or Management Co.
4. Pet Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE $300-500; A Pet Deposit is REFUNDABLE if listed on contract.

ALL Deposits are only refundable after we pass a final walk thru inspection and approved by the landlord.


AHP Realty LLC, is working for the homeowners under a separate property management agreement. As the agent for the owner, we have an obligation of trust and loyalty to work toward the OWNER's best interests. As REALTOR's we will treat all parties to this transaction honestly and fairly.
APPLICANTS' understand that this is a routine application to establish credit, character, employment, and rental history. Applicants understand that this is NOT an agreement to rent and that all applications must be approved by the respected landlord. YOU authorize the verification of the references provided. Applicants' declare that the statements above are true and correct, and agree that the landlord may terminate my agreement entered into in reliance on any misstatement made above. Applicants' understand than an application will not be accepted or processed nor considered until the required application/processing fee's to AHP Realty is duly paid.
If you have read and understood the preceding statements then you may apply for our rental property by downloading our rental application.

Rental Application

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